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200 S Fairfax St #16, Alexandria VA 22314 Advertised For Sale

Real Estate Things In The Alexandria Area

200 S Fairfax St #16 is a wonderful condo, However it's not for every buyer. There are so many questions to ask yourself.

Your Nesbitt Realty agent would love to talk through your options. A few of the issues to sort through:

How much space do you need? How much space do you want? The average sized home in Greens Steam is 1,372. The highest priced condo in the section is listed for $1,229,000. Do you know if 200 S Fairfax St #16 is a good value? Do you like brick home? Do you prefer brick or siding? What type of siding? Continue reading "200 S Fairfax St #16, Alexandria VA 22314 Advertised For Sale"
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